Sunday 11 January 2015

The Bucket List of mine - 2015

Source: Google 
As soon as I turned 25 I felt as if time started kicking me in the butt reminding me that there is still so much to do and see!

I think being 5 years away from hitting 30 I am now starting to look at life in a different light aka life crisis is hitting me hard some might think. But no, it doesn't affect my life in a negative way, in fact it causes quite the opposite affect. I read a quote somewhere: I am 25, I know how, I know what I want and  I am not afraid. All in all it's kind of how I feel at the moment. So here I am sitting all caught up in my thoughts and suddenly a light bulb appears on top of my head.

Basically, I decided to do my bucket list in a more fun and creative way. Let me explain... instead of writing up a list of things that I want do in my very secret notebook, I am going to do complete opposite and share it with everyone :)
I hope I will start crossing things off my list in the year of 2015 and take you, yes you along with me on my journey. There is only one rule; As soon as I can tick a thing off my list, I have to write a blog post about it. Quite simple, huh?

I hope you enjoy it and if you like the idea than join in the fun and tag me/comment under this post letting me know!!!

Let's crack on with my list and here is what I hope I can somehow cross off in  2015:

1. To visit a new place.
2. To laugh till I cry.
4. To feel the peace and world within.
5. To be carefree.
6. To laugh things off that are not important.
7. To give without expectation
8. To surprise a loved one like never before.
9. To experience a different way of living

I have no idea whether I will be able to cross all of it off but one thing I know for sure is that I will not push myself into anything. the point of this is to happen as it comes along.

A post will soon be uploaded as I can now say that one thing is now off my list :) Guess what it is?

Jane xxx
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